For delivering clean water at great heights and long distances Flow 30-1000 m³/hour Pressure 100-1000 m
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Stations based on centrifugal horizontal multistage sectional pumps. In the pumps used, the flow of the pumped liquid is moved in series by several impellers mounted on one shaft in one casing. The pump casing consists of separate sections. The sectional design of the pump casing allows you to increase or decrease the head without changing the performance. The stations are designed for pumping water with a pH of 7-8.5, temperatures up to + 45 ° C, with a mass fraction of mechanical impurities no more than 0.1%, a solid particle size of no more than 0.1 mm with a microhardness of no more than 1, 47 GPa.


The stations are used for pumping water over long distances, supplying it to great heights. The DNS-S series is used for:

  • water supply of industrial facilities, housing and communal services,
  • water supply to oil-bearing formations,
  • drainage of coal mines,
  • pressure testing of pipelines.


Diesel pumping units CSN comply with the technical regulations of the customs union: TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment." The climatic version of the pump unit is UHL GOST 15150-69 with an ambient temperature from -10°C to +50°C.

Manufacturer's warranty

The warranty period is 18 months from the date of shipment or 12 months from the date of commissioning or 2000 operating hours, whichever comes first.


CNS pumps

CNS pumps are intended for pumping water with a pH of 7-8.5, temperatures up to + 45 ° C, with a microhardness of no more than 0.1%, a solid particle size of no more than 0.1 mm. , 47 GPa. They are used in cold water supply systems of industrial, administrative and residential buildings; in the drainage system of coal mines; in the system of water supply to oil-bearing strata.

SAER Pumps

Saer pumps (Italy) of the are multi-section pumps in which the working body pumping the liquid is a series of series-mounted closed centrifugal impellers with semi-axial blades with a diffuser. Подробнее

YAMZ engine

YAMZ V-shaped engines are characterized by reliability and a significant capacity of up to 1 million km. The high degree of unification of basic models and modifications, wide applicability in various equipment from cars and buses to tractors, bulldozers, combines, excavators, river vessels have made these engines the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. Engines have high maintainability and are fully provided with spare parts in all regions of operation, which makes them in demand by many consumers.

Volvo Penta Engine

The Volvo Penta line of industrial engines (Sweden) consists of 5, 6, 7, 9, 13 and 16-liter models with power from 65 to 650 kW. They are compact, reliable, economical and efficient engines. They are distinguished by:
  • Reliability and low noise level
  • Efficiency
  • Serviceability

Doosan Engine

Doosan diesel engines (South Korea) are widely used in various fields. This brand produces a wide range of motors with a power of up to 711 kW.

Main advantages of Doosan diesel engines:

  • Motors are undemanding to the quality of fuel, which allows you to use Russian-made products;
  • They have an increased efficiency factor and power reserve, so the units are able to work normally even when the load increases to 20%;
  • They are characterized by a simple design, which makes them more reliable and easy to operate;
  • They are characterized by a low noise level and have an affordable price.

Электродвигатели общепромышленного назначения

Для агрегатирования насосных установок применяются низковольтные и высоковольтные электрические двигатели отечественного и зарубежного производства. Они рассчитаны на взаимодействие с электросетями частотой 50 и 60 Гц с номинальным напряжением от 220 В до 11000 В. Поэтому на объекте эксплуатации ЭНС необходимо обеспечить доступ к электросети или резервной дизельной электростанции.

Электродвигатели отличаются долговечностью, удобством обслуживания и эксплуатации, низким уровнем шума. Широкая номенклатура исполнений по мощности от 1,9 до 10000 кВт, частоте вращения, питающему напряжению и конструкции позволяет подобрать оптимальный вариант для привода электронасосной станции под задачу заказчика.

Order station series DNS-S

Our DNS-S series has 19 ready-made stations, but we can prepare an individual solution for your task.

Order individually View models of the series
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