Engineering firefighting systems in the seaport Guinea "Taresa"


<p> Water supply to the firefighting system </p>
Region Guinea Industry Fire safety


Special execution:
  • climatic version - tropical,

  • silent canopy,

  • automatic/ remote start without operator partaking

Calculate my project

Motorcon received the task of supplying a backup fire station. Water should be pumped from the water storage tank by a pump into the looped network of the fire-fighting water pipeline, then flow to the dosing system of the foam extinguishing station.

It was necessary to satisfy the following conditions to solve the problem of the customer, who is engaged in the arrangement of warehouse complexes in the port in Guinea:

Motorcon company has designed and manufactured a pumping station DNS-P 185-120 fully adapted to the requirements of the project and environmental conditions. 

This station will be able in a short time to start supplying water from buried reservoirs with a high pressure during the entire estimated time of extinguishing fires (up to 6 hours without refueling !!).

The fire extinguishing station provides for launch according to the following options:

• automatic start - from the upper level control system sensors;

• remote start - by an external signal from the operator.

Solution Description:

– fully automatic start-up without operator participation;

– water lift from a height of 8 (!) meters at the required nominal operating point;

– time to enter the operating mod plus the time for automatic filling of the pump with water - no more than 30 seconds;

– engine - YaMZ (Yaroslavl Motor Plant);

– silent canopy.

This solution will be relevant wherever an automatic start of a pump with a high water pressure is required, for example, for the purpose of backing up fire pumps, pumps for the technological process of water supply. It is also possible to use the installation for the purpose of automatically supplying water for irrigation, i.e. for agriculture.
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Order station series DNS-P

Our DNS-P series has 24 ready-made stations, but we can prepare an individual solution for your task.

Order individually View models of the series
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