When oil is extracted on drilling platforms, associated petroleum gas is released, which is disposed of by combustion.
To protect the drilling platform from heat and infrared radiation, a water curtain is created around the flare.
The customer installed such a system on a drilling rig, and he needed a solution for seawater intake, and feeding it under high pressure into the pipeline. Our company has provided a comprehensive solution to the task.
Such a complex was a container diesel pumping station DNS-S-600-200, with 3 submersible electric pumps, a crane for lifting and lowering electric pumps into water, a set of suction and pressure hoses, a general control system.
The use of a pumping station for pumping seawater required compliance with design features during the project implementation:
- a special CNS-type seawater pump made of stainless steel was used for the diesel pumping station
- stainless construction was also made, which housed electric pumps
- the crane and container were covered with special ship's enamel