Mining industry
Motorkon company offers pumping stations for pumping liquids during mining operations of various types, namely: rock erosion, pumping water from open pits, pumping pulp, supply of clean water to washing equipment. Our project team will help you to select pumping units to suit your needs.

Rock washing out

Дизельные насосные установки для размыва горных пород
DNS-P Centrifugal pumps with vacuum filling system, dry running option for liquids with solids Flow:50-7800 m³/hour Pressure:10-240 m
DNS-D For pumping clean water Flow:160-3600 m³/hour Pressure:30-150 m
DNS-S For delivering clean water at great heights and long distances Flow:30-1000 m³/hour Pressure:100-1000 m

Customer service

Customer service
We check technical condition and repair pumping equipment and its components – engines, pumps, automation, gearboxes, gear reducers
How we repair
Spare parts
We select and deliver the right spare parts from anywhere in the world
How we select
Installation and commissioning
We set up and launch equipment with diesel engines in 85 regions of Russia, 12 CIS countries and 5 countries of the near abroad
How we launch it
Are you interested in cooperation?
Fill out an inquiry form or call us. Our managers will consult you.
+7 (4852) 69-53-15

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